The first trailer has been released for the hilarious duo's newest team up in 'Sisters'. Directed by Jason Moore (Pitch Perfect) it tells the story of Katie (Fey) and Maura (Poehler), two sisters who decide to throw the house party they always wanted, before their parents sell their childhood home.
As expected mayhem and ridiculous antics ensue, and with most members of SNL featuring I have no doubt it will be an entertaining view. There are some great moments in the trailer - including a musical box - so I'll be giving this a try.
What do you think of the trailer? A hit or a miss?
'Sisters' will be released on 18th December 2015.
As expected mayhem and ridiculous antics ensue, and with most members of SNL featuring I have no doubt it will be an entertaining view. There are some great moments in the trailer - including a musical box - so I'll be giving this a try.
What do you think of the trailer? A hit or a miss?
'Sisters' will be released on 18th December 2015.
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