Guillermo Del Toro brings the horror in 'Crimson Peak'

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Starring Mia Wasikowska, Tom Hiddleston, Charlie Hunnam and Jessica Chastain, comes the newest nightmare inducing creeper hit from Guillermo Del Toro. 

'Crimson Peak' brings the Gothic horror genre back to the big screen and by the looks of the trailer, will be full of what Toro is most famous for  - frights a plenty! 

The synopsis goes like this, a young author named Edith (Wasikowska) falls for the charms of the handsome and wealthy Sir Thomas Sharpe (Hiddleston). They fall in love and marry, making home in his sprawling mansion in Cumbria, where he lives with his sister Lady Lucille Sharpe (Chastain). However, the honeymoon period is quickly ended when Edith realises the house is home to something far more sinister than she could ever imagine, and that her husband and sister-in-law may not be who they say they are.

'Crimson Peak' looks visually stunning, and as a huge fan of Guillermo Del Toro's other works such as 'Mama' and 'Pan's Labyrinth', I'm sure this will be the hit it looks certain to be!

What are your thoughts, will you be watching 'Crimson Peak'?

'Crimson Peak' will be released on October 16th 2015 in the US and UK. 
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