Captain America: Civil War

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The official teaser trailer for Marvel's Captain America: Civil War is finally here and it looks just as epic as we had all hoped for!

The official premise is " After the events of Age of Ultron, another international  incident involving Captain America and the Avengers results in collateral damage, prompting politicians to form a system  of accountability and a governing body to determine when to call in the Avengers. This results in the fracturing of the team while they attempt to protect the world from a new enemy."

The trailer has a lot of new footage not seen before, and makes it clear that Bucky and Steve are a force to be reckoned with. With Steve (Captain America) and Tony (Iron Man) on opposing sides of the law, and their fellow Avengers forced to choose, will they be able to save the world without destroying each other?

Civil War features an ensemble cast, including new faces such as Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman), Scarlet Witch (Elisabeth Olsen), Vision (Paul Bethany) and Antman (Paul Rudd).

Whose side will you be on?

Civil War will be released on May 6 2016.
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