What better way to celebrate November than be fully prepared for your writing, networking and pitching … Here’s where the Screenwriter’s Toolbox comes in handy! Here’s 20 links you should definitely check out, full of helpful hints and tips that will come in handy, so make sure you bookmark this page!
1) Figuring Out Format
Feeling intimidated about writing your first script? Fear no more! Below is a fantastic example of how your script should look and a definition of screenplay terms.
2) The 3 Act Structure
Every screenwriter needs to understand the 3 Act Structure, so here is an in-depth look at each Act and what elements should be included.
3) First Ten Pages
The first ten pages of your script are crucial, but do you know what 5 major components should be included? The link below shares these 5 secrets, as well as several examples of blockbuster opening pages such as Jaws, 500 Days Of Summer and Inception.
4) All About The Logline
Do you know the difference between a logline and a tagline? How long a logline should or shouldn’t be? Here are 10 tips to help you develop the best logline for your project.
5) Setting The Scene
Here are 37 examples and analysis of scene description seen in films such as Alien, Basic Instinct, Inglorious Basterds, Se7en and Zombieland to name a few.

Some good reminders
6) Choose Your Genre
Not sure which genre you want to write? Which genres sell more so than others? Look no further, here you can find the most popular genres in Hollywood and the 10 story techniques to include if you want to sell your screenplay.
7) Apps For Filmmakers
Here are 8 of the best apps for filmmakers to help create high quality material while on the go.
Another app worth mentioning is
Table Read. Table Read is every budding screenwriter and director’s dream – an app that reviews and reads your script for you. Check it out
8) How To Make A Short Film
9) Film Production Checklist
Making a film can be a stressful process, but it doesn’t need to be with
this helpful checklist! So grab a pen and a paper and make sure you’ve got everything you need!
10) Producing A Micro-Budget Feature
11) Is Script Hosting A Good Idea?
Unsure as to whether script hosting sites are worth the money?
This article about The Black List is an interesting read providing the pros and cons of whether it’s the right decision for you.
12) 10 Tips For Writing A Hollywood Blockbuster
13) Supporting Characters
14) Dialogue
Stuck in the dark depths of dialogue? We’ve all been there! Want to know a simple dialogue tip that will improve your writing? Click
15) Enter Competitions
16) Networking Tips
17) Pitching Your Script
18) How To Sell Your Screenplay
19) 6 Tips From A Billion Dollar Duo
20) Kick Ass Endings
Want to write that perfect ending? While there is no secret formula, there are a few things to be aware of to get the best conclusion to your film. These golden secrets are shared in
THIS LINK, so take a look!